Mike,Berlusconi:?Era un uomo bbuono/b?. Inviato da redazione@tgcom.it on set 13th, 2009 e publicato in Televisione. Puoi seguire e rispondere questa notizia e questi commenti cn il feed RSS 2.0. I commenti sono momentaneamente sospesi, ...
@bethann and all the other newbies: welcome! @buckeye: wonderful to hear your coroner's report. @calef: lovely christmas gift observation, and i couldn't agree more about healthful living. @drdad: enjoy your bvacation/b. b...../b Embien's 12:59 post about TULA being "South of Moscow", reminded me of yesterday's "City near Oakland" and the answer bSAN/b MATEO. Sure, bSAN/b MATEO is close to Oakland if you had been considering bSAN/b DIEGO, or bSAN BUONO/b in Italy as the answer. ...